International Alliance of Waste Pickers


Severino Francisco de Lima Junior

Severino Francisco de Lima Junior (Unicatadores, Brazil)

Organization: União Nacional de Catadores e Catadoras de Materiais Recicláveis (Unicatadores)
Position in the organization: International Relations Secretary

Proposed position: President
Seconders organization from the region: Asociación Movimiento Nacional Recicladores de Chile (ANARCH), Asociación Nacional de Recuperadores y Recicladores de El Salvador (ANSONARES), Federación Nacional de Recicladores del Perú (FENAREP), Movimiento Nacional de Personas Recicladores de Base de Costa Rica (MNPRBCR), Movimiento Nacional de Recicladores de Honduras (MNRH), Movimiento Nacional de Recicladores de la República Dominicana (MNRD), Movimiento Nacional de Recicladores de Panamá (MNRP), and Unión de Trabajadores de Desechos Sólidos Industrializables “Lázaro Cárdenas del Río” del Estado de Guanajuato A.C.
Alternate seconder organization: Associazione Rete Nazionale Operatori dell’Usato (Rete ONU), Bokk Diom, and Parisar Bhagini Vikas Sangha (PBVS)


Severino Lima Junior, a grassroots waste picker from the COOCAMAR Cooperative located in Natal-RN has been involved in waste picking since he was a teenager, starting out in the city’s old rubbish dump, founding the ASCAMAR and COOCAMAR organizations that began the work of door-to-door selective collection in the municipality of Natal. together with leaders from various states in Brazil, the MNCR National Movement of Waste Pickers with a major meeting in Brasilia in 2001. Brasília in 2001, thus holding the first national meeting of waste pickers. collectors of recyclable materials, which gave rise in 2016 to the organization UNICATADORES National Union of Waste Pickers of Brazil currently affiliated with the IAWP INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE OF WASTE PICKERS, carries out various activities of national and international relevance. activities of national and international relevance, together with leaders from Chile and Colombia build the RED LACRE Latin American and Caribbean Network of Waste Pickers. with the participation of the following countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Dominican Republic, and Mexico.
He is a delegate member of the IAWP, nominated by the Brazilian delegation to participate in the UNEA conferences on the International Plastics Treaty, and has been very active in the INC meetings.
Severino has participated in the plastics treaty negotiations known as INCs (Intergovernmental Negotiations Committee). As a delegate and IAWP representative at INC-3 and INC-4, he received a registration badge from the Brazilian government, giving him a voice among the Brazilian negotiators. He also worked with the government to organize an event in collaboration with the International Alliance of Waste Pickers. of Waste Pickers at the INC-4 negotiations in Nairobi. Receiving a badge from the Brazilian government as part of the official delegation to attend the INCs and then organizing an event in collaboration with the Brazilian government, is a testament to the fact that he is a strong leader with good negotiating skills.
Participating on behalf of UNICATADORES Brazil in the latest ILO International Assembly held at the UN headquarters in Geneva, where together with sister networks STREET NET, FITH and HOMENET he has been seeking an alliance to build the INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE OF WORKERS AND WORKERS OF THE SOLIDARY CIRCULAR ECONOMY within the precepts of the Just Transition. Just Transition.
It is currently coordinating the participation of waste pickers in the COP 30 climate conference to be held in Brazil in 2025 in the city of Belém, which is part of the Brazilian AMAZONIA Brasileira with the aim of promoting greater participation by waste pickers in this important international event.


I am motivated to run for President of the International Alliance of Waste Pickers based on the support and endorsement I have received from my fellow waste pickers in Latin America and beyond. I believe I have the skills to lead IAWP into its new phase as an autonomous waste picker organization, led by waste pickers themselves, facilitating the exchange of knowledge, learning, technologies and strategies between waste picker organizations around the world, while advocating for the right of waste pickers to determine their own futures.
Strengthen international alliances between continents to ultimately promote an intercontinental exchange of waste pickers’ knowledge and technology in ORGANIZATION, WORK and TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION, promoting a process of building opportunities that seek to guarantee access to work for recyclables and the right to the right to decide their own future, to seek opportunities with international international organizations and national governments so that recognition of the work of waste pickers is the work of waste pickers is emphasized and their leading role is recognized, remunerated and guaranteed within the framework of public policies and the precepts of universal rights. build an international alliance with the other workers of the sister networks STREETNET, HOMENET and FITH an international alliance so that together we can fight and build mechanisms to increase the participation of our leaders in international organizations and make public policies that guarantee the participation of our workers within the principles of solidarity and workers within the principles of solidarity and a just transition. Create governance mechanisms where the decision-making process is more participatory. Planning meetings, spaces for discussion and construction on the basis of the themes proposed by our Affiliates, highlighting themes such as HUMAN RIGHTS, GENERATION, ENVIRONMENT/IMPACT, etc. ENVIRONMENT/ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT, TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION, TRAINING and COMMUNICATION so that we can achieve the goals and overcome the challenges that will be necessary for a better better management of the IAWP. Seek international and local alliances that really improve the well-being and health of our fellow waste pickers.
My experience is in the management of organizations, as evidenced by my work with the MNCR, UNICATADORES in Brazil and REDLACRE in Latin America and the Caribbean. I also have outstanding skills in negotiation and collective bargaining, as evidenced by our successful advocacy efforts in Brazil, resulting in favorable policies for waste pickers. Proficient in networking and fundraising, I recognize the crucial need for resources, especially as our organization undergoes establishment. I look forward to collaborating with our allies, including unions like Streetnet, Homenet, FITH and others.
Under my leadership, I promise to maintain maximum transparency in decision-making, financial matters and all tasks undertaken. Throughout the membership process, I have maintained a respectful and inclusive approach towards all member member organizations, recognizing diversity in our organizing strategies, a position that I promise to maintain during my term by strengthening the degree of participation from all continents. continents.
As we seek to make history, our first victory can soon be realized with the inclusion of waste pickers in the text of the plastics treaty, marking the first reference to waste pickers in any international environmental law. I am dedicated to advancing this cause alongside waste pickers around the world. In addition, I am committed to advocating for the inclusion of waste pickers’ interests in discussions on extended producer responsibility (EPR) fees globally, building on our successful efforts in Brazil’s reverse logistics model.
I assure you of my commitment to advancing the waste pickers’ agenda and advocate for a just transition in forums such as the International Labor Organization (ILO) and discussions on climate change.