International Alliance of Waste Pickers


Barbra Weber

Barbra Weber (GSA, USA)

Organization: Ground Score Association (GSA)
Position in the organization: Co founder-Co Executive Director

Proposed position: President, Vice President, Treasurer
Seconders organization from the region: Alliance of Independent Recyclers (AIR-NYC)
Alternate seconder organization: Les Valoristes, solidarity cooperative


Barbra (Barbie) Weber is the Co-founder and Co-Executive Director for Ground Score Association a Waste Picker organization in Portland, Oregon USA. Barbra organizes with various local, national and international organizations. Barbra is a second generation waste picker, a villager in a self governed informal settlement and she is a committed advocate on issues regarding hygiene access, environmental justice, worker rights, systemic poverty and systemic racism. Barbra believes in inclusive community collaboration, she is a gifted public speaker, experienced organizer, and is well respected in her community. Her artistic endeavors include playing guitar in public and painting pottery for charity.


I dream of a world without plastic or other harmful pollution, I dream of a world where human life is valued above profits, I dream of a world without poverty, I dream of a world without racism or stereotypes, where all communities and individuals contribute to wellbeing. A solution is a true “Just Transition” for Waste Pickers, their communities, and families. I desire with all my heart to be a leader that listens, is willing to learn, contributes humbly and is transparent and honest. I believe in not leaving anyone behind, inclusive policies to ensure all have a voice.